Tuesday 30 May 2023

Arouz Story: The Catwoman Legacy. Part 2

The Catwoman Legacy
Part Two

Jane awoke just as abruptly as she had the day before.  Her body was drenched in sweat; her pussy was juicy and her fingers lay close to its lips, clearly having simulated the catwoman’s sexual advance on her whilst she dreamt.  Jane realised she had been foolish.  Concentrating on her work and now this mystery of Maria Monckton, had meant her neglecting any thought of her own pleasure.  As a result it had now broken through though clearly flavoured by the strange speculations that had filled her mind the previous day.  As she got up, Jane resolved to retrieve Maria and see if she could reverse whatever had happened to her.  Not only would that be good for Maria it would, Jane hoped, clear her mind of the strange thoughts that had flooded into her dream.  Whilst she would never say no to a good orgasm, a feline lesbian encounter was not her usual taste.

Jane found she had slept longer than she had realised, but she conceded that she had probably needed it.  As she breakfasted, she thought through what the rescue of Maria would need.  She was sure that now they were awake and curious, she would have no trouble attracting the catwomen to her without having to stray far from the door.  She would sedate all three of them as quickly as she could.  Then she would drag Maria out.  Hopefully, clear of the pod’s atmosphere, Maria’s body would stabilise.  Jane went and dispensed a whole batch of the tablets from outside what she now thought of as the Arouz pod.  With a little experimentation she was able to dissolve them in some soya milk.  She had no idea of the kind of dosage she would need or even if the tablets could reverse rather than simply hold off the process, but she felt, that for Maria’s sake, she had to give it a go.  If that did not work she would see if she could make up a solution that she could inject.  Jane was no doctor, but had enough field medical knowledge that she felt reasonably confident she could pull this off.

Jane wondered how Maria would respond to being transformed back to being human; whether she would have any recollection of being in the pod and playing with the catwomen.  Jane guessed that at most it would be like remembering a lucid dream.  From the vids of the parties, Maria had not seemed to be one of these rich bitches and Jane hoped she could talk to her woman-to-woman and calm her and then, together, they could work out some explanation of what happened.  Even so, Jane was worried that when she reappeared from this house someone official would be interested in Maria and drag her off somewhere for tests; she was keen to avoid that fate for the young woman.  She was soon conjuring up a cover story for Maria about her trekking in the Uzbek mountains after the party and being out of touch, then coming back to the estate and being rather startled to find her host dead and his estate in administration.

Feeling confident she her plans could succeed, Jane quickly continued her preparations and was soon heading back to the pod with her breather, goggles, tough overalls and boots plus two tranquiliser dart guns with numerous spare shots.  Jane triggered the first door of the airlock.  As she stepped in she began to hear the atonal, but so alluring call of the catwomen.  It seemed to penetrate the very walls of the airlock.  Once she stepped into the main pod she was swept by a wave of it and in an instant her body felt as taut as a wire and yet, somehow also relaxed.  She immediately turned round and left the pod.  She realised that she was going to need further forms of protection.  She returned to the control room and after a while found some ear protectors plus a life form detector.  If she was not going to be able to hear where the catwomen were she was going to need other ways to know if they were close, especially in the thick jungle.

Hoping she was now sufficiently equipped to tackle the catwomen, Jane headed back into the pod.  She held the life form detector out in front of her like a talisman.  She could still make out the sounds of the catwomen, but with the ear protectors on they were so muted that they were no more than a background niggle.  Surprisingly Jane found she somehow missed hearing the calls and was sorely tempted to take off the ear protectors.  She told herself to concentrate, these creatures had many forms of defences, including sharp teeth and claws and if she was going to be able to do anything for Maria she had to stay focused.

Jane almost shrieked into her breather with shock as the red-haired catwoman sprang into the clearing in front of her.  The feline human seemed almost to be smiling and Jane somehow felt she was pleased to see that Jane had returned.  Maybe these creatures had some kind of low-level telepathy or at least a well-developed empathy.  Slowly the catwoman began revolving her hips and then with one paw began caressing her breast which yielded some glistening white milk.  However bizarre it was and how uneasy it made her feel, the thought that she needed to sup the milk came to Jane’s mind.  The catwoman’s other paw brushed her clitoris that stood erect from the top of her pussy which itself was already so wet it glistened.  Jane felt she was back in the dream and the urges to join in this erotic dance was almost unbearable.

Jane convulsed and the pistol grasped in her right hand fired without her thinking.  The dart snagged the edge of the catwoman’s right thigh.  Not a great shot, but not bad for an unintentional one.  The catwoman stopped her movements and gazed at the dart in clear confusion.  Snapping from the weird daze Jane had found herself falling into, she focused and fired again, this time hitting the catwoman in her abdomen.  With a full dose and probably a third of one more from the previous shot in her, the catwoman lost all grip and slumped quickly to the floor.

Jane caught the sign of movement out of the corner of her eye and swung and fired without even determining what it was.  The motion stopped and she could see a shadowy form among the leaves which she fired at.  Moments later the chocolate brown catwoman staggered forward.  Her expression seemed almost to be one of sadness and Jane remembered the disappointment she had seemed to express when Jane had left last time.  Maybe having recruited Maria before, they had hoped that Jane would join them as another playmate.  This catwoman had the first dart just tangled in the hair of her back, but the other shot had plunged into her side.  She wavered for a few moments and before falling close to where the other catwoman already lay.

Now all that remained was Maria.  Suddenly Jane felt herself jolt forwards.  She stumbled awkwardly, dropping her gun and scanner.  She struggled to get a grip, fumbling for branches to lift herself up.  She twisted round to see the tamarind catwoman with her claws out.  This catwoman lunged at Jane and she imagined she had angered this one by apparently killing the rest of her pounce.  However, seeing the catwoman face on now, Jane realised that the intention of the push had not been hostile, more that she wanted to attract Jane’s attention to her performance.  This would be a combination of the piercing tune, the sensual aroma and the provocative dance.  Jane did not give herself time to become interested and, snatching for the other pistol in her belt, grasped it in both hands and fired twice, once into the catwoman’s thigh and then just beneath her left breast.  As the catwoman stumbled, Jane hurried to catch her fall.  Without stopping she pushed her backwards towards the door as if the pair of them were two slim sumo wrestlers in a bout.

Though her limbs were of toned muscle, the tamarind catwoman, Maria as Jane told herself she should think of her as, was quite light,.  Jane quickly punched in the exit code and squeezed Maria and herself into the airlock.  Moments later they fell through the second door on to the floor.  Jane dragged Maria free and made sure the outer door was closed and sealed.  Then as the inner door slid shut Jane allowed herself to catch her breath.  She was sweating all over and out in this air she realised her shoulder was cold.  Looking she saw that the tamarind catwoman must have slashed through her overalls despite their thickness.  However, her claws seemed not to have touched Jane’s skin and she marvelled at the accuracy of the cut.

Jane lifted Maria on to the trolley that she had readied.  The catwoman was sleeping heavily.  However, she seemed to have no immediate averse effects from being away from the Arouz atmosphere in the way Jane had feared might be the case.  Jane picked up the big syringe she had filled with milk and pushed it between Maria’s lips.  Administering it gently she almost dripped the milk-medicine mixture into the woman’s mouth.

Though she still slept Maria’s feline tongue emerged and licked the milk.  That pleased Jane.  She wheeled the trolley towards the sick bay where she had prepared one of the isolation pods early that morning, just in case Maria turned hostile when she awoke or began feeling bad in the Earth atmosphere.  Jane hooked up a drip to Maria and added some of the solution of the drug through the side port.  She left a bowl of the milk mixture by the bed.  Hesitating just outside the isolation pod, Jane looked at her charge.  She wondered if her jury-rigged medical approach would work and whether Maria would change back, if the reversion would be entire and how Maria would feel about it all.  Jane realised that when she had taken on this job she had never envisaged handling such consequences of Beltran’s actions, how inadvertent they may have been.

“Hello?  Hello?  Is anyone there?”

Jane awoke with a jolt.  She had fallen asleep over the control panel but now a voice was coming through the audio.  Straightening herself up and stretching her stiff muscles Jane saw that it was Maria.  Jane looked at the image carefully, it was clear that the treatment had had an impact.  Though the young woman’s blonde hair stretched far down her back and her finger and toenails were very long, she was clearly a human and one able to speak.  She was naked but was already pacing the isolation pod that Jane had locked her into.

Jane glanced at the clock.  She had spent hours watching her patient with no clear sign of change until sleep had taken her.  At least ten hours had passed and it was sixteen since she had dragged Maria from the pod.  Clearly that was sufficient time to reverse whatever process the Arouz atmosphere had inflicted on Maria.  Now, Jane jumped up from her chair and hurried down to the sick bay.

“Hello, where am I?  Who are you?”  Maria said as soon as Jane entered.

“Don’t worry, you’re safe, Maria.  I am Jane.”

“Jane?  Jane who?  Where am I?”

Though Maria spoke clearly her voice was strangely accented as if she had become used to making different kinds of sounds with her throat and mouth.  The way she purred her ‘m’s easily reminded Jane of a cat’s miaow.

“I am Jane Denson.  This is Francis Beltran’s estate.”

“Jane, Francis.”  Maria said vaguely as if her first burst of energy was now fading.

“Yes, you are Maria Monckton.  You came here seven weeks ago for a party.  The night Beltran died you went into the Arouz pod.”

“Beltran?  Francis Beltran?”

“Yes, you knew him, you were a guest.  He died suddenly.”

“Arouz, Arouz, yes, so beautiful.  Where is Arouz?”

Maria now seemed to drift off like an addict reminded of what they loved.

“Arouz is far away.  This is Earth, you are from Earth.”

“No, no it can’t be, Arouz is here, I was on Arouz, it was so perfect.  Take me back.  I must go back.”

“I’m sorry, you are on Earth; your family are missing you.”

Jane said, keeping it simple so as not to confuse the poor woman.  Despite her distracted manner, Jane felt that Maria was doing pretty well for someone who had changed species in the past half-a-day.

“Where are they, where is Owmra and Rwoa?”

Jane knew that neither of these names was that of anyone in the Monckton family.  The way Maria pronounced them was peculiar too.  Jane realised that whilst they might have been Maria’s pets back home, they were probably more likely to be the names of the other two catwomen.

“Maria, they are safe, they are far away, but they are safe and happy.”  Jane tried to be reassuring.

“No, not Maria.  You call me Maria, you do not have it right, I am Mowrea.  And you, I remember you, you were there.  You were the newcomer, you were going to join us.  Owmra gave you the name Ammow for the sound you made.  Ammow, where are we, where is the jungle, where are our lovers?”

Jane walked back from the glass.  She guessed she should not be surprised by how Maria was behaving.  For the past few weeks life as a catwoman of Arouz had been her existence, to ask her to come back to life here as a human was a big leap.  Perhaps she would never see things the same way again, perhaps it would simply take time for her to recover.  Jane was no psychologist, she was not a doctor and she imagined others could handle Maria far better than she could.  Jane walked over to the control panel and pressed to release a sedative into the atmosphere of the isolation pod.  Quickly Maria stopped talking and instead lowered herself to the floor and curled up on the ground and was soon asleep.

Jane felt she should count her blessings, at least Maria was back in human form and seemed to be in good health.  She returned to the main control room and instructed the sick bay systems to provide food to the isolation pod.  She was rather uncertain what Maria would like so sent more milk, citrus fruits of the kind she had seen in the Arouz pod and some steak.  Then she called up all the video footage of Maria Monckton that she could find both from the estate’s system and what was available publicly.  She spent time editing together scenes into a movie that she then ran into the isolation pod, hoping that sounds and images of Maria’s friends and family would help her back along the path to her former life.  Then she set up the system to signal an alarm if Maria’s vital signs altered beyond normal parameters.  Feeling her job was complete for now Jane began walking back to her quarters.

The time at the estate had worn Jane out.  Even without this latest adventure with Maria, she had been working hard.  The Arouz pod would be collected the following day and her mission would be complete, two days ahead of the time she had told Owen.  Jane wondered what she would write in her report.  Perhaps she should call into headquarters to ask what should happen with Maria.  She felt protective towards the young woman and was concerned not to turn her over immediately to either the Uzbek authorities nor even to officials from the Monckton-Friel Consortium until she had had time to recuperate and find her feet again.  For now, however, there was nothing more she could do.  The next few days were likely to be incredibly busy so she headed to bed. 

Jane found that sleep came quickly and again it was filled with dreams.  The dreams were incredibly realistic.  Unlike before she was not in the jungle of Arouz, rather in Beltran’s estate.  It was night time but rather than her usual bed fatigues she was walking around naked.  She could hear a voice calling a name, Ammow, Ammow, it said repeatedly.  The voice was not how even Maria had said it, now it was more penetrating, entrancing than before.  Every time the name sounded Jane felt as if she was swept by a wave of pleasure.  However, that alarmed her and she tried to resist it, to block out the sounds.  Seemingly frustrated the voice shifted and began calling a new name: Mowrea.  Jane knew who that signalled and found herself walking down to the sick bay.  In the isolation pod crouched the one she knew as Mowrea, the perfect golden-furred catwoman.  She looked so out of place in that space for humans; she did not belong there and Jane felt that she had to let her free.  Quickly she walked to the key pad and typed in the code.  The door slid open and Mowrea sprang up and ran from the sick bay.  Jane felt so weary that she began walking over to one of the spare beds.  Then, however, she heard a keening sound that snatched her attention.  This was not a time for rest, it was a time for action, for change.

Jane fought against the sound, covering her ears with her hands.  Then there was another sound coming, it was that name again: Ammow.  Jane realised, though, that in fact it was not really a sound, it seemed to come from inside her head.  Every time she heard it, the name brought pleasure.  More than that it seemed to bring something that was correct, something that was logical for her to do, something that would bring her such benefits.  Then the view changed and suddenly Jane found herself by the entrance to the pod.  It was open with the rich pollen leaking into the ante-chamber.  Jane felt she had to breathe in deeply and take the pollen within her.  A short way off the three catwomen were intertwined, paws and tongues providing pleasure to their uninhibited bodies.  Jane felt a jealousy that became an eagerness to participate, with four of them it would be so good and she was eager to show Mowrea how aroused she was by her.  Jane tried to hold back, to stop herself going forward.

The alarm sounded and Jane jolted back to the here and now.  She felt cold.  It took her moments to realise she was standing and naked.  The bright lights shone pink in her vision and then she blinked her eyes as she adapted to them.  Quickly she realised she was in the sick bay, standing in front of the isolation pod.  The door stood open and Maria was gone.  That part of her dream had been real.  Jane had never sleepwalked in her life.  What had caused her to strip off and come here to release Maria, just the thing she had not wanted to happen?

The alarm was still sounding and she realised it had been triggered as Maria had left the isolation pod and her heart rate had presumably climbed as she had run off.  Jane wondered what would have happened if she had not set the alarm.  Would the next phase of her dream also have come about in reality?  What would have been the conclusion if it had?  Jane did not dare think about it.  Anyway, she could ponder these issues later, for now there was a more immediate priority: to locate and recover Maria.

Jane hurried to the control room and pulled on the spare overalls and boots she had left there.  Without underwear they were not that comfortable but she knew she did not have time to worry.  She ran back the videos from when she had retired from to her room.  Owmra and Rwoa, Jane corrected herself, the catwomen in the pod, had become restless as soon as they had recovered from their tranq darts.  They had danced and sung around the airlock as if they could summon back their missing sister.  Jane realised, however, that in some way they had also been trying to shift her thoughts so that she released Mowrea, she meant Maria, back to them.  Then she switched to view herself rising, walking as if entranced and moving into the sick bay and letting Maria out.  Maria had not hesitated but had run straight back to the Arouz pod, clearly bewildered, perhaps being seduced there by the songs and the other abilities of Owmra and Rwoa.  In the ante-chamber she had only stopped to shed the jewellery that had marked her out as a human woman before slipping naked and unprotected into the environment of Arouz.  Owmra and Rwoa had drawn her away from the airlock out of sight into the jungle.

Jane could not believe that the transformation from human to catwoman could occur quickly.  After all, it had been many hours before Mowrea had re-assumed human form.  Jane was sure that if she could get in there and snatch Maria back then she could reverse any effects again.  She would make sure to keep Mowrea, she meant Maria, sedated until the Arouz pod had been removed and then call headquarters; they could arrange specialist staff to come and assist.  Knowing now for certain that Mowrea was in the Arouz pod and not roaming the corridors in a confused state, Jane headed down there.  She quickly snatched a respirator and goggles, holstered a tranq gun and put another in her belt.  Within minutes she was at the airlock door.  She gave a wry laugh as she realised that she had learnt why Arouz warranted an X5 rating.  If two of its inhabitants could wield such power one could only imagine what a planet full of them would be like.  No wonder even the rumours of the planet had kept the moviemakers busy.

As Jane approached the pod she felt a little apprehensive.  She thought through her plan.  She would fire at anything which moved.  It did not matter if she ended up tranquilising all three of the pod’s current inhabitants, as long as she could get Mowrea clear.  She then realised she had left the ear protectors behind and the life detector was lost somewhere in the pod from the last time she had entered.  She guessed that the catwomen would find her out anyway.  They certainly had seemed interested in her whenever she had entered.  However, they might have taken Mowrea deeper in the jungle, probably in their cave.  If that was the case she would tranq Rwoa and Owmra and then proceed unhindered.

The second door of the airlock opened and once again Jane stepped into the pod with her pistol extended.  The sounds of the jungle were all around her, but there were no catwomen songs to be heard.  Perhaps she was fortunate and they were sleeping.  That might mean that Mowrea was somewhere close to the entrance.  As she stepped forward cautiously the airlock closed behind her.  She moved into the neartest small clearing remembering that the first watering hole lay a short way beyond.  However, she was stopped in her tracks by the sight of Mowrea lying on her back in the centre of the clearing.  Though Jane could recognise the woman she had been it seemed that her catwoman features had returned quickly and her golden fur was coming back to her body with speed.  It was shorter than when Jane had seen her before, but it now seemed that within, perhaps half-an-hour, this woman would have gone back to the form which was appropriate for Arouz.  No wonder the planet was so high a risk if its environment had such a rapid impact on humans.

Mowrea seemed oblivious to Jane’s approach.  She was busily fingering herself, perhaps already pawing herself, with fingers in her sex and teasing her nipples.  She was emitting a purring sound which suggested that human speech was already going from her.  Jane felt she had to trust that she was not too late.  She stepped forward carefully, not wishing to alarm Mowrea and send her running off into the undergrowth.

Suddenly Jane was sent sprawling sideways, crashing against the branches and stumbling to the ground.  Dazed she tried to raise her head and then to at least get up on to all fours.  As she did she saw the reddish furred feet of the catwoman standing over her.  Somehow she knew this was Rwoa.  It appeared as if she had been waiting concealed in a tree until Jane had stepped forward to take the bait of Mowrea.  Jane fumbled for the spare pistol in her belt, but as she did she was pulled upwards into a kneeling position.  Muscular, though slender, chocolate-brown furred arms locked around her chest and she knew that Owmra had captured her.

Jane struggled to get free but the Owmra was strong and Jane could put up no resistance as Rwoa sliced through the strap that held on her goggles and then demolished the respirator with accurate swipes of her claws.  Jane coughed as the rich sweet pollen flowed into her nose and mouth.  Rwoa now began that high-low keening and Jane felt her whole body shudder with a thrill.  All the concerns about fleeing, about snatching Mowrea, all of those things flowed away.  All sense of struggle quickly faded from Jane and she fell limp in Owmra’s grasp.  Rwoa stooped so that she could thrust her breast into Jane’s mouth and creamy, so delicious milk dribbled into her mouth.  Now Jane’s will seemed to disappear and she let herself be a puppet in the hands of the catwoman.  Her coveralls were sliced from her followed by her boots and her underwear.  Jane did not know how much time had passed but she understood that she was now lying naked on the warm leaf cover of the jungle floor.

Jane then felt her head lifted and guided to a warm opening.  The fur pressing on her cheeks communicated to her eventually that her face was now being slid between a catwoman’s thighs.  She understood what was wanted of her, but something prevented her from doing more than feebly flapping her tongue against the pink, welcoming slit of Rwoa.  She was allowed to slide back onto the ground and a very contented weariness took her.

Jane, Ammow, Jane, Ammow, both identities seemed to fit.  She was awake.  Memories of earlier, how long ago?  These memories were distant and fuzzy.  There was a nagging desire to find the ones that she served, to act for them, to work hard to deliver the pleasures that they wanted.  How could she learn?  She had never been a lesbian, not least to some kind of feline alien.  How could she be expected to do what they required?  Perhaps that was why she had been abandoned.  Well, if that was how they felt, Jane said to herself, now with a little more certainty, then she would act for herself.  Close by lay the remnants of her clothing but no sign of her pistols.  In her current position there seemed no way to be able to get Mowrea clear of this place.  She would have to get out and come back fully armed.  There must be heavier equipment somewhere still on Beltran’s base, tougher outfits used for more hostile environments.  She would come back with droids too, they would at least distract the catwomen.

Feeling self-conscious naked, Jane hurried to the airlock door.  For an instant she had thought that she had become disorientated and come to just a piece of wall.  However, the foliage and space around it was familiar.  Incredulous Jane studied where the keypad had been.  Its outline was visible but now covered with a plain metal plate.  As she stepped back a little she saw that the airlock door had been covered in the same way.  Not wishing to accept the evidence she looked upwards through the leaves to the glass of the pod.  Above was not the sky over Uzbekistan, rather the artificial daylight of the inside of an unpiloted Rhino transporter.  In exasperation Jane clenched her stubby fingers and pounded in futility against the metal plates.  As she did she noticed the soft auburn fur that covered the back of her hands.  In fact her whole body now seemed to be covered in it.  She turned her head to see the stripes of even darker fur down her back and she felt that she was a long way from being human.  This was impossible, she told herself.  Then, of course, she realised, she had not brought any of the counter-change tablets with her.  She looked up at the metal plate and saw her rough reflection.  Her eyes seemed to be midway between the round pupil of a human and the slit one of a cat.  There seemed no way to halt the alteration that this slice of Arouz was wreaking on her.

“I ammm Ja, Jay, Jane.”  She struggled to say but was pleased by the result.  “I, mmm, I’mm …”  She tried again, but her mind felt fogged.

Jane tried to stir herself to feel alarmed by what was happening to her, to fight against it.  However, the longer she was conscious of her sleek body, naked but covered with this lovely soft fur, the more she felt herself enjoying that fact.  She stretched herself and could tell that her muscles were taking on that sleek but strong form of the catwomen.  Above all it was the sensation of her pussy, already wet and increasingly excited that kept on intruding into her thoughts and persuading her that rather than fight the change she should welcome all that it would bring her.

“Ammow.”  The sound came from behind her and Jane turned to see Mowrea.

Mowrea was back in her correct form, that of the most beautiful, proud catwoman.  Her golden hair covered her whole body.  Her face, though humanoid was adorned with the snub nose and whiskers of a cat.  Her eyes were fully feline.  Her body and limbs were slender and shapely, but strong.  Her paw-like hands were padded and ended in claws.

“Ammow.”  Mowrea repeated as if testing her.

Jane knew that if she wanted to, Mowrea could begin her keening and so snatch away her will.  She understood too, that in some short time, the last elements of her human nature would be swept away and she would become as fully a catwoman as Mowrea was.  However, something inside her struggled against those apparent inevitabilities.  Her mind wrestled to think of other feasible outcomes than for her to become a true inhabitant of Arouz.

“Ammow.”  Mowrea miaowed once more.

Under the continued declaration that she was Ammow, Jane found that she could not really counter it.  One part of her wanted to say, that she was not Ammow but Jane Denson.  A strong and growing part felt that that was wrong.  She did not resemble Jane Denson, but she did look like the auburn-furred catwoman of her dreams.  She looked down and away from Mowrea but all that did was show her, her muscular legs which seemed to be becoming fully fur covered with every moment.  She yearned to push her fingers into her sex and at least try to address the hunger that was growing there.  However, as she looked at her hands she saw the palms were well advanced in their change and becoming padded, her nails were claw like, but as she looked at them they withdrew so as not to harm her sensitive sex.  To see her body like this, she found was not startling as she had expected, rather it seemed reassuring, it increasingly felt like something so right that she was foolish to try to resist let alone even seek to reverse.


Now Jane realised that in her mind that name was becoming associated with pleasure and that each time Mowrea sounded it, sparks ran through her.  She tried resisting the desire to feel more.

Apparently tired of the naming approach, Mowrea began slowly to move in the provocative catwoman dance that Owmra had performed that first time Jane had come here.  Jane felt her body, her increasingly catwoman body, naturally respond.  She guessed this was no surprise given the high libido of the species she was rapidly becoming part of.  She tried to hold back from taking the steps, but no command to her legs, but to continue, seemed to get through.

Then the song came and she found herself utterly powerless to resist, she hurried forward now, uninhibitedly and felt rewarded for doing so.  She sensed that her sex was moist and hot, rising with a burning hunger with every step she took.  As she moved she began relishing her sleekly furred body, the acuteness of her hearing and her sight, above all, the lust that powered her.

“Ammow!”  Ammow miaowed and sprang, taking Mowrea to the floor and rolling with her across the ground kissing and teasing with her tongue; nuzzling between the golden-haired catwoman’s breasts.

The dam had been broken and anything human that had remained in Ammow had gone as she had declared her catwoman name.  Wrapped up in her lust she had no thought that she would never speak human words again and that purrs and miaowed sounds would be her speech from now on.  Memories were gone too, replaced with a total identification with her existence as a catwoman of Arouz.  She had no thought for the fate of Jane Denson nor of Maria Monckton, no more than a cat on a different planet might think of human creatures it had never met.  Those two women no longer existed but two new catwoman did.

Ammow’s priority was to get and give good orgasms.  It seemed so long since she had toyed with her favourite sexual playmate and now eagerly she buried her head between Mowrea’s thighs and with her pointed pink tongue began lapping at her clitoris.  She ground her own sex on to her lover’s face and purred loudly as her tongue engaged and brought her, though she did not realise it, to the first orgasm in this form.  The rest of her life would be filled with them.

Four catwomen slept exhausted from their extended sexual spree.  Their clitorises still throbbed from the attention they had received.  Distantly there was some thought of one or other of them going away from their lair and of change, but such things were no more substantial than partly remembered dreams.  Ammow stirred a little as the air around them seemed to alter a little.  Somehow it seemed a little fresher than she remembered, but it was still filled with the delicious pollen.  If she had opened her eyes she might have seen some strange metallic thing lifting clear having dropped a false piece of Arouz jungle on to what before had been a rather more bare piece of hill.  With it went all trace of an environment pod and any connection that this quartet of catwomen had ever had with a planet called Earth, many light years away.


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