Monday 12 February 2018

New Transformation Book for Sale: 'The Changeling Women: Four Stories of Women Magically Transformed into Gypsies'

My stories of everyday women being transformed into gypsy women of the kind featured on programmes such as My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding has proven to be a popular sub-genre.  I have now collected together four of these stories, loosely connected in a new book, for sale at just $1.29 on Amazon.  These see a social worker, a house wife, a policewoman and a teacher, coming into contact with women who can really work gypsy magic.  For a range of reasons these four are transformed so they form part of the gypsy community as strong and sassy women, far more respected and sexed much better by their men than ever before.

Saturday 3 February 2018

New Transformation Book for Sale: 'The Streetwalker’s Bag: A Shop Worker to Whore Transformation Story'

'The Streetwalker’s Bag: A Shop Worker to Whore Transformation Story' - as the title may suggest, this story does not involve magic or science fiction.  Instead it is about how Cassie Isley, stuck in a dead-end job after finishing her university course, ends up being drawn into prostitution.  A chance find provides her with a new identity.  It is built upon and she is altered to match what she seems to be and steadily she is unable to escape until she is deported from Britain to Eastern Europe to work in her new career there.  However, she attracts the attention of a woman seeking a pet and Cassie sees her life change once more as she is eased into another identity and a different sexual purpose.  The book is available on Amazon for $1.29: