Wednesday 26 April 2023

New Contemporary Europe E-Book: The Oligarch's Woman

While owing quite a bit to 'The Lady in Leather' this e-novel was a bit of a departure for me. 

Newly promoted to detective, London policewoman Justine Meade, jumps at the chance to work undercover. Her white gold blonde hair and sky-blue eyes make her ideal to fill the role of Astrid Sjostrom, bisexual Swedish porn star and trophy girlfriend of Russian gangster Vadim Diordiev. Using cutting-edge VR technology, Justine is quickly trained up to be so effective in her role that she soon is losing sight of her previous identity. Enjoying luxury living, with a burgeoning movie career and a lover who she finds irresistible, will there any way back to the life she knew before?

This novella, of over 50,000 words is an erotic thriller. It features scenes of straight and lesbian sex; identity change and a range of tight leather and latex clothing that Astrid gets to wear and strip out of.